Kingdom of Gilneas Banner


<Kingdom of Gilneas> hosts a robust and in-depth system of nobility, lands, and titles that is open to all Gilnean roleplayers to participate with! You don't have to be a member of our guild in order to participate. There are no minimum requirements to create a Gilnean noble character. All we ask is that you read our Gilnean Lands & Titles document so you can understand our system, our process, and our rules and expectations.

Once you've reviewed the guidelines, we just ask that you do a bit of creative work to build your noble character and the territory you'll be responsible for governing! We did our best to design this process to be fair, inclusive, and fun for everyone! If you're ready to start your journey as a Gilnean noble, start reviewing the Gilnean Lands & Titles document below. If you have any questions, need any help, or are ready to submit your application, we'll be happy to assist you in our Discord Server.

Grand Registry of Lands & Titles of the Peerage of the Kingdom of Gilneas
Google document of our Lands & Titles system.



Larger Map

OOC Notes Regarding the Kingdom of Gilneas Map:
1. This map includes several fanon islands which are not part of the world map.
2. At the present state of lore, we recognize that only the territory south of the Greymane Wall is clearly and firmly controlled by the Kingdom of Gilneas. It is our OOC position that while Gilneas would claim land north of the wall, including Pyrewood and Shadowfang Keep, most of that territory is not presently under Gilnean control and remains disputed with the Forsaken maintaining de facto control over that territory. All official RP regarding the lands north of the wall will reflect this disputed status until Blizzard provides clear lore updates.