Kingdom of Gilneas Banner


The Kingdom of Gilneas is a community roleplay project working to create and represent the Gilnean government and other important Gilnean groups and institutions. This page lays out the various groups within our community representing these different institutions. Government groups include the Ministries of Defense, Foreign Affairs, Intelligence, Home Office, Health, and Justice as well as Her Majesty's Parliament. Religious groups include the Gilnean Diocese of the Church of the Holy Light and the Order of the Harvest Moon. There are also numerous non-governmental organizations, including a group for criminal roleplayers. Members are welcome to join any of these groups, or may choose to not join any group and simply live as a Gilnean citizen or visitor in the community.



Duke Zydrik Anteran (GM)

Duke Zydrik Anteran is the First Minister of the Kingdom of Gilneas and oversees all of the Ministries of the Gilnean government on behalf of the Gilnean crown. He is also the Duke of Redfield in northwestern Gilneas.
Duke Ashland Whiteraven (Assistant GM)

Duke Ashland Whiteraven is the Deputy First Minister of the Kingdom of Gilneas and assists the First Minister in overseeing the various Ministries of the Gilnean government on behalf of the Gilnean crown. He is also the Duke of Caerseren, a duchy which lies on the eastern half of the Gilnean Headlands.
Duke Tyrvarryn Shadowmist

Lord Marshal Tyrvarryn Shadowmist is the Minister of Defense of the Kingdom of Gilneas and commands all Gilnean armed forces. He also commands the Gilnean Death Knight Order, the Knights of the Ebon Pact. He is also Duke of Eastwick in northeastern Gilenas.
Baroness Salvina Ward

Lady Commander Salvina Ward is the Commander of the Gilneas Brigade 3rd Special Forces Regiment and is second in command to Lord Tyrvarryn Shadowmist. She also serves as a Knight in the Royal Order of the Martyr under Highlord Gabriel Hastings.
Baron Helbrook Medinus

Baron Helbrook Medinus is the Minister of the Home Office. The Home Office provides a variety of services to Gilnean citizens including citizenship and immigration, business licensing, magic licensing, marriage licensing, land and title management, etc.
Viscountess Vaebryn Blackwood

Viscountess Vaebryn Blackwood is the Minister of Foreign Affairs. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is where Gilneas' ambassadors and diplomatic staff work to manage relations between Gilneas and other nations throughout Azeroth.
Baroness Faye Vermerva

Baroness Faye Vermerva is the Minister of Intelligence and oversees the Gilnean Intelligence Service (GIS). The GIS is similar to SI:7 and is where Gilnean intelligence agents and analysts work.
Doctor Veralidaine Emberdawn

Doctor Veralidaine Emberdawn is the Minister of Health and oversees all of the doctors and healers who work for the kingdom to take care of Gilnean citizens. She also serves as the chair of the Gilnean Board of Health, which has representatives from numerous other institutions who specialize in the healing arts.
Earl Allistair T. Crofton

The Minister of Justice oversees all of the judges, prosecutors, defenders, and other legal staff who work to ensure fair and just enforcement of Gilnean Common Law. The Ministry of Justice also licenses private attorneys and provides oversight for law enforcement within the kingdom.
Cardinal Melchiz Tzedeck

Cardinal Melchiz Tzedeck is the Patriarch the Gilnean Diocese of the Church of Holy Light. He has founded both the Grey Templars (the Gilnean Silver Hand Chapter) and the Gilnean Patriarchal Seminary at Evenstar Abbey on Mistbriar Island. The Diocese is a source of spiritual support for the Kingdom of Gilneas.
Highlord Gabriel Hastings

Highlord Gabriel Hastings is the Chapter Master of the Holy Order of the Grey Templars, a chapter of the Silver Hand in Gilneas for Knights, Squires, and Aspirants of the Light, Elune, Titans, Goldrinn, Aspects, and other noble faiths. He also serves as Knight-Commander of the Royal Order of the Martyr, secular Knights of Gilneas.
High Elder Pheric Brightwood

High Elder Pheric Brightwood oversees the Order of the Harvest Moon, a circle of druids, harvest witches, and worshippers of Elune and the Wild Gods dedicated to preserving the secrets of the Old Ways in the Gilnean diaspora and devoted to the teachings of Nature and Balance.
Archmage Mary Shadowpaw

Archmage Mary Shadowpaw runs the Grey Council, a Gilnean instiution for the study and practice of the arcane arts. The Grey Council trains new Gilnean mages and serves as a key institution for magical knowledge and expertise.
Duchess Deirdre Anteran

Duchess Deirdre Anteran is the First Lady of Gilneas and Duchess of Redfield. She supports her husband, the First Minister, with a variety of political and public appearance responsibilities and governs the city of Ebonport on Mistbriar Isle. Additionally, she secretly leads a prominent order of Gilnean warlocks known as the Order of the Black Rose.
Director Anselton Lochwood AKA Azoth

The Canis Shipping Company has recently resurfaced with a new Director, Anselton Lochwood, appointed by the Canis Board. Canis Shipping is now the largest importer and exporter of goods in Gilneas, based from their dockyard in Gilneas City. Secretly, Canis operates the Red Moon Gang and Silverclaw Syndicate criminal organizations.
Scalewarden Zalletal

Zalletal is the energetic and friendly leader of the Greywings, representing the Dracthyr diapora living in Gilneas. The Greywings have a Creche within Gilneas which is officially recognized by the Gilnean government.



The people of Gilneas are a diverse and lively group of people who come from all walks of life, from humble farmers to lofty nobility. Not only are Gilnean citizens (worgen and non-worgen) welcome, but so too are new immigrants of other races, who can become citizens of Gilneas themselves if they so choose. The process of rebuilding Gilneas will take generations, and anyone who wishes to make their home in Gilneas and give their loyalty to our royal family is welcome to join us. All citizens, including new immigrants, are eligible to receive government services and representation.

OOC Note: A large portion of our community is just regular people just going about their day-to-day lives. Participation with our various groups is entirely optional. You can simply be part of our community while focusing on your own personal roleplaying pursuits. It's a great way to find people roleplay with, too!



The Gilnean Royal Court is the senior executive body of the Gilnean government (similar to the Cabinet in the US Government). The court is comprised of the key advisors who assist the queen and ministers who carry out her sovereign Crown Authority. The various ministries of the Kingdom of Gilneas are an extension of this body and of the queen's sovereign authority.



Those interested in traditional uniformed military service can join the Gilneas Brigade or the Gilnean Royal Navy. Those working in the Ministry of Defence defend the people of Gilneas and are assigned roles normally fulfilled by standard soldiers. The Minister of Defense holds the highest military rank of Lord Marshal.

Soldiers of the Gilneas Brigade are expected to maintain a military uniform while on duty and are expected to train and drill regularly. They may be assigned to patrols, guard duty, security details, or military operations in friendly or enemy territory. Soldiers are expected to maintain high standards of discipline and behavior and are expected to be excellent representatives of our kingdom.

Gilnean soldiers are expected to maintain a uniform while on duty. Uniform details can be found in the #military-info channel of our Discord.



Like members of the Military, agents of the Gilnean Intelligence Service (GIS) are all sworn to the service of Gilneas, though that is generally where the similarities end. GIS agents are not traditional soldiers, having much more in common with SI:7 than a typical military regiment. GIS agents don't perform normal military duties or wear uniforms, and they often work in a covert capacity, either in friendly territory or behind enemy lines, using charm, disguises, stealth, and other suitable means to attain their mission objectives.



The Home Office is the agency charged with the administration and organization of Gilnean citizenry. They are often a Gilnean's first place of contact with their government. The Home Office manages citizenship and residency documents, asylum requests, birth, marriage, divorce, and death certificates, business and trade licenses, and various other licenses. Additionally the Home Office is responsible for organizing important Gilnean cultural events such as balls, tournaments, and holiday celebrations.

The Home Office has 4 major departments: Press, Culture, Commerce, and Domestic Affairs.



Employing a wide variety of ambassadors, diplomats, and other support staff, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is responsible for managing communications and relationships between Gilneas and various other governments and important non-governmental organizations. An Ambassador of Gilneas is the physical embodiment and voice of the Kingdom of Gilneas and serves at the pleasure of Her Majesty Queen Tess Greymane. An ambassador must be able to separate their own needs, desires, prejudice, and feelings for the overall good of the Kingdom.

The duty of a member of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is both IC and OOC. Responsibilities include but are not limited to growing IC and OOC relationship with the assigned community, attending meetings of leadership, parliament, other government affairs, keeping all parties informed of open events, and voicing Gilnean concerns or ideas that could assist our allies and improve relations further.

All members of the MoFA are expected to generate a report on their official duties as an ambassador. This report should cover the event details and the ambassador’s interpretation of the events. This keeps the team and leaders informed IC of current ongoing decisions and concerns of our allies. One of the other reasons for this is record-keeping in case a subject needs looked back upon.

Our MoFA representatives are expected to be professional and dressed in their best attire when attending to their assigned posts and even when off duty. Actions they take, even on a personal level, can affect their job and so they should always be mindful of this. Ambassadors are required to have a strong knowledge of our Kingdom's vast history and its current laws and be excellent communicators, both for engaging in in-person interactions and exchanging official diplomatic correspondence via official letters.



Formed after the burning of Teldrassil when a massive influx of Gilnean refugees came into Stormwind, many of whom required extensive medical care they couldn't afford, the Ministry of Health is meant to provide healthcare services to the citizens of Gilneas. Employing doctors, healers, nurses, alchemists, and various other staff, the Ministry of Health provides free medical care to all Gilneans, and often provides aid to other Alliance citizens as well.

The Minister of Health serves are the chair of the Gilnean Board of Health, which has representatives from every major healing discipline.

  • Chief Medic: Battlefield and trauma paramedicine.
  • Chief Physician: Surgical and other non-magical medical care.
  • Chief Apothecary: Alchemy and pharmaceuticals.
  • Chief Curate: Light-based healing magic.
  • Chief Mender: Nature-based healing magic.
  • Chief Preservationist: Other healing magic.



The Ministry of Justice oversees the Greyguard as well as judges and other staff responsible for the enforcement and interpretation of Gilnean Common Law Everyone living in Gilnean territory is subject to Gilnean law, which will be enforced by government and law enforcement personnel. Those who are caught engaging in criminal activity may be subject to fines, imprisonment, and other punishments.

The Greyguard are the national-level agency responsible for Law Enforcement, Investigations, and Executive Protection. Greyguards have sole law enforcement jurisdiction over all Gilnean Crown Territories (including the City of Gilneas). While individual cities and counties typically have their own guards and sheriffs, Greyguards may claim senior jurisdiction anywhere in the Kingdom.



Her Majesty's Parliament is the legislative body of the Kingdom of Gilneas. Members of Parliament add, amend, and repeal laws from Gilnean Common Law.

OOC Note: Gilnean Parliament is open for all Gilnean roleplayers to participate in (membership in <Kingdom of Gilneas> is not required.) Learn more on our Law & Parliament page.



The Kingdom of Gilneas is a constitutional monarchy with an elected parliament made up of two houses: the House of Nobles and the House of Commons. The Gilnean Parliament votes on laws and taxes and represents the noble families and common citizens of the Kingdom of Gilneas.

The House of Nobles is the first half of the Gilnean Parliament and represents the noble families of Gilneas. From among the various noble families of the Kingdom, representatives are elected to represent their interests in the Gilnean Parliament.

The House of Commons is the second half of the Gilnean Parliament and represents the common citizens of Gilneas. From among the common people, representatives are elected to represent their interests in the Gilnean Parliament.



Gileas has two major religious traditions: followers of the Holy Light and pracitioners of the Old Ways. Both traditions are recognized and honored by the Kingdom of Gilneas.



The Gilnean Diocese of the Church of the Holy Light is currently administered out of Light’s Dawn Cathedral in Gilneas City. There are holy wards which protect the building as well as temple guards stationed there. Amenities at the Cathedral include offices, a rookery for the Church’s ravens, and a dormitory for the Clergy, diaconate, and novitiate to stay in.

All priests are ordained and can perform all of the standard rites and ceremonies. However, priests can additional specialize in a variety of fields, including:

  • Scholars (Focused on study)
  • Healers (Focused on Light-based healing)
  • Preachers (Focused on preaching and teaching)
  • Inquisitors (Focused on countering dark magic threats)
  • Battle Clerics (Focused on supporting soldiers and paladins in battle)

Knights, generally working to support the Priesthood, can specialize in a variety of areas, including:

  • Paladins (Focused on service and combat, traveling to help those in need)
  • Templars (Focused on protecting churches, relics, and holy sites)
  • Lightwardens (Focused on assisting Inquisitors to counter dark magic threats)



The Grey Templars is a chapter of the Silver Hand based in Gilneas! One of the few of its kind. Whether your character is an aspirant, squire, or a knight, they are more than welcome to join. Squires will be trained and knighted. Knights will have all of the rights and privileges of being in a chapter of the Silver Hand, but it’s not mandatory for them to be a member of the Silver Hand.

All individuals of the Alliance who can call upon divine energies and can bear the weapons and armor befitting a knight are eligible to join. This includes, but isn't necessarily limited to: worshiping The Light, The Titans (minus Sargeras), Goldrinn, or Elune. If your paladin worships something outside of those, please contact the Highlord.

The Grey Templars' focus is to fight all manner of man, beast, and aberration to protect Gilneas and the faiths. All allied faiths and their adherents will also be protected. In peaceful areas, we will act as guards for our priests and civilians.



The Order of the Harvest Moon serves to see the Old Ways endure--cultivating a home for Druids, Harvest Witches, Worshippers of Elune and the Wild Gods, and all those who still practice the Old Ways.

"The Old Ways" typically refers to the ancient Druidic religion which most of humanity followed prior to the coming of the Light. In most human Kingdoms, the Old Ways became forgotten or marginalized in the wake of the Church of Light's growth - however, it endured in many closed circles of Harvest Witches who kept the teachings alive, especially in Gilneas.

After the construction of the Greymane Wall, Gilneas suffered from famine due to their isolation. It was during this time that the Harvest Witches of Gilneas stepped out of the shadows to save their kingdom. With their mastery of nature, the Harvest Witches were able to bless the fields of Gilneas - and it was only through this renaissance of the Old Ways that Gilneas survived those early years behind the wall.

Though distinct in cultural expression from other Druidic practices, the Old Ways of humanity share many common beliefs with the Kaldorei religions. Many deities such as Elune and the Wild Gods are followed by both - though often under different names. With the first and second waves of Gilnean diaspora, our people's close contact with the Kaldorei reinforced this fact - and our two cultures have learned much about our shared religious views and magics. For this reason, the Order of the Harvest Moon also welcomes those who practice a more culturally Kaldorei expression of the Old Ways, as well as the traditional human practices.

The Council of Elders is made up of the Order’s leadership and representatives to other parts of Gilnean Society. It is currently made up of seven positions, including:

  • The High Elder (The overall leader of the Order)
  • The Oracle (The leader of the Path of the Moon)
  • The Guardian (The leader of the Path of the Woods)
  • The Crofter (The leader of the Path of the Field)
  • The Lord Ancestral (The Order’s Representative to the House of Nobles in Parliament)
  • The Ovate (The Order’s Representative to the House of Commons in Parliament)
  • The Chief Mender (The Order’s Representative to the Gilnean Board of Health)

The Order is structured in the form of the Three Paths, each of which corresponds with a vocation or calling in the Old Ways. After joining the Order, each new member is initiated into one of the following Paths:

  • The Path of the Moon (For spiritual leaders in the Old Ways, such as Druids, Harvest Witches, and Priests of the Moon or the Wild Gods)
  • The Path of the Woods (For defenders of the Old Ways and protectors of the wilds such as rangers, woodsmen, and other fighters)
  • The Path of the Field (For those who simply follow the Old Ways as their religion, keeping it alive in their daily life)




The Knights of the Ebon Pact exists as an entity representing the Ebon Blade within the Kingdom of Gilneas. We welcome any member of the Ebon Blade to swear our oaths, but maintain the expectation that those who choose to fight alongside us understand that we represent Gilneas and the Grand Alliance.

We work alongside Gilneas and seek to ensure its prosperity, but we also continue our service to the Ebon Blade. In the event of a clashing between these two organizations, we will act as diplomats to attempt to alleviate concerns and avoid conflict.

Should a member of the Ebon Pact come into contact with members of the Ebon Blade acting as members of the Horde, or an otherwise hostile group, we will treat them as we would any other combatant. If they can be taken prisoner and held, we will do so. If they must be executed, we will bear the weight of the adjudication of the sentencing.


  1. We do what the living cannot: Our actions are ever to protect this world that we were forced back into; to do otherwise would be to break this Pact.
  2. Respect your Kin: Brothers and Sisters of the Ebon Blade are forbidden from fighting upon Acherus, within public spaces of the Grand Alliance, and areas deemed acceptable neutral grounds by the Grand Alliance and the Coalition of the Horde; exceptions are made for honorable duels in the training areas or in the event of conflict between the factions.
  3. We are not above the laws of the realm: While acting under the banner of Gilneas, an Ebon is expected to act within those laws unless the situation makes it impossible with the other tenants.
  4. Do not raise the unwilling: This existence is one of suffering; an Ebon does not force it upon an unwilling individual. A willing individual must have written and confirmed consent from a third party, while also dying of their own accord.

This group is an opt-in organization for any member of the Ebon Blade wishing to be a part of it. The tenets act as general guidelines for people to adhere to. It has no formalized ranked structure of any sort, though newer Ebons might be mentored by the more veteran ones.

In essence, this group acts as a representation of the Ebon Blade acting under Gilneas. There will be times where the Knights may meet for their own reasons, either to discuss matters of the Ebon Blade or to meet with other groups representing the Ebon Blade. While it may, at times, act as a loosely neutral entity, the Knights of the Ebon Pact are explicitly aligned with the Alliance and the Kingdom of Gilneas. In times of war, we support the Grand Alliance.



The Grey Council of Gilneas seeks to encourage the study and teaching of magic, to acquire, contain, and study magical artifacts, threats, and secrets collaboratively with magical organizations of other kingdoms, and to safeguard the Kingdom of Gilneas from the abuse of magic.

Magics that are derived from Death, Fel, or Void are categorized as "Restricted" schools of magic under Gilnean law. The use of these magics are heavily discouraged and require a license to study and perform. Restricted magics&emdash;and the Restrict Magical Licenses necessary for their study&emdash;are scrutinized on a case-by-case basis. Research performed outside the scope of a license without first consulting ministers or members of the High Council can result in a revoking of research funds or even expulsion from the Grey Council.

Generally speaking, Restricted studies are to be undertaken with the intent of defending against said magics, rather than utilizing them haphazardly. Exceptions will exist, but Gilneas does not officially support the broad usage of Restricted magics.

In addition to magics that are Restricted, the Kingdom of Gilneas maintains a running list of magical regulations. At present, regulations exist for the following schools of magic, which also require a Restricted Magic License to perform.

  • Chronomancy
  • Portals

Magical items that are classified as containing restricted magics must be registered with the Grey Council. An application for said items will need to be filled out and approved before further use within Gilneas/Gilnean Territories or in events.

All other magics not explicitly restricted or regulated are categorized under "Sanctioned" magics. This does not exempt them from regulation, but allows for more leeway in the study and application of such magics.

To join the Grey Council of Gilneas, one need only seek them out and apply for study within their halls. Studies will include lessons with one's mentor or performed by other experts in fields of magic, field trips to study magical anomalies around Azeroth, and research projects. Within the Grey Council, there are a few degrees of learning as well as tasks in order to get promoted.



The Order of the Black Rose is a secret society. It seeks out practitioners of both the Fel and the Void, not those searching for such powers but those who already possess them, and offers them a place among comrades in arms if nothing else. To those who are inducted, it's a support system. A way to help find like-minded and like-afflicted individuals, to share knowledge and help keep one another in check. And to, at need, deploy what they have learned in defense of their home. While not an offensive tool, the Order does remain in reserve, should Gilneas ever again require the aid of these dark arts.

Very few details of what the Order of the Black Rose is or does are known. Not being an officially recognized government organization, or even officially acknowledged organization, details in any sort of documentation are impossible to uncover. They simply don't exist to be found. What is mentioned is done by word of mouth alone, and that is mostly rumor. Select individuals in the Gilnean government, military, and intelligence are aware of more, in case need of the Order's knowledge is found. But again, only by word of mouth.

The Order of the Black Rose has two primary goals. The first, to identify and induct practitioners of the Void and the Fel, in order to pool resources. Not just powers, but lessons learned. Means of control. To act, in effect, as a support network for those who have dabbled, on purpose or by accident, with dangerous power. To help other members of the Order handle their powers, and as a safety net to keep everyone on the "straight and narrow". Or at least above board. The second is to act as a reserve. To be available to handle things most cannot, and to handle threats too dangerous for common soldiers.

The Order, while mysterious and nebulous to the outside, has a very simple setup. Virtually all members of the Order are considered co-equal to each other, forming a sort of council or round table, with some possible exceptions for a moderating chairperson. Once you're in, you're in, and your voice is weighted evenly with every other member of the Order. For the sake of administration, however, the Order does have two Courts.

The Court of Flame specializes in Fel magic. Consisting of warlocks and those few demon hunters who choose to attend, this Court is the final answer to all things demonic. The Court of Shadow specializes in Void Magic. Shadow priests and the ren'dorei make up their numbers, and are considered a timely addition to the Black Rose as rumors of the Void continue to grow even after N'zoth's defeat.

The Order of the Black Rose does not recruit new practitioners into its ranks, but rather identifies those who already wield the powers they seek to control. While it is not necessary to obtain a restricted magic license from the Grey Council to be a member, becoming so licensed is highly encouraged. It is understood by the Order that while practice is necessary for mastery, training with their magics is inherently dangerous. Precautions must be taken to ensure no accidents, and use of such magic in the open must ONLY be done in times of need or to save lives.

The Order of the Black Rose, while nominally a self-supporting group, may end up with tasks that do not include the regular meetings and study parties. If any unlicensed Fel or Void magic is discovered, the Order will necessarily step in as aid to the military or the Grey Council. Azeroth is also a dangerous place, even with the new years of peace. Should a threat of old arise to face Gilneas, the Order can be called into action once more.



The Greywings are a newly formed Weyrn of Dracthyr who have migrated to Gilneas and seek to preserve the Kingdom under Queen Greymane, and His Grace, First Minister Duke Zydrik Anteran. The Greywings operate under the Scalewarden and their Winglord along with a council to represent the Aspects.

The Scalewarden: Leader of the Weyrn, and Overseer of all five flights within Gilneas.
The Winglord: Second-In-Command to the Scalewarden. Next in line should the Scalewarden need to be replaced.


  • Chief preservationist: Head of the Green Dracthyr and Overseer of Health within the Greywings
  • The Obsidian Sentinel: Head of the Black Dracthyr and Overseer of the Earth of Gilneas as well as the main military general for the Greywings.
  • The Timekeeper: Head of the Bronze Dracthyr and Overseer of Gilneas’ timelines and history. Also head of Intelligence for the Greywings.
  • The Crimson Dynamo: Head of the Red Dracthyr who also works closely with the paladins of Gilneas to uphold the sanctity of life.
  • The High Arcanist: Head of the Blue Dracthyr and Overseer of all magic within Gilneas.



The Canis Company was originally founded by the enigmatic businessman Lord Riven LaRange and dabbled in a particularly wide array of businesses, from hospitality to mercenary work. However, with Lord LaRange's recently stepping back from public life, a new director has stepped up and reorganized the company. Now under the leadership of Executive Director Anselton Lochwood, the recently rebranded Canis Shipping Company has risen rapidly to prominence. Rumored to have the backing of several mysterious investors, the Canis Shipping Company has, over the course of just a few months, grown to become one of the largest shipping, freight, and naval transport operations in Gilneas.

Public records show that Canis rapidly acquired several other smaller shipping companies, acquiring and consolidating their merchant fleets, dockyards, and warehouses, with a particularly significant presence the rougher industrial areas of Gilneas City. And the company continues to grow, undercutting much of their competition. They've already driven several other smaller shipping companies out of business and rapidly acquired their assets. Their larger competitors have been forced to drastically lower their prices, and yet Canis keeps undercutting them. They say they just run a more efficient operation than their competitors, but is that really all there is to it?

CRIMINAL INFORMATION (The information below is not publicly known)
Unbeknownst to everyone else, not only is the Canis Shipping Company being bankrolled by several anonymous, and apparently very wealthy investors, but they are also engaged in all manner of criminal enterprises behind the scenes, though they are extremely good at covering their tracks and appearing to wider society as nothing more than another corporation, if perhaps a somewhat unscrupulous one. But secretly, the Canis Shipping Company operates and fully controls not one but two distinct criminal enterprises, carefully hidden away within the depths of its accounting and payroll books.

The Red Moon Gang has a sordid history in the Kingdom of Gilneas. Thought to have been eliminated and stamped out by law enforcement, like a persistent weed the gang has sprouted up again. As far as anyone else knows, the Red Moon Gang is just another street gang terrorizing Gilneas. They extort protection money, sell drugs on the streets, and use violence and force to accomplish their ends. They are rumored to have a hidden gang house somewhere in Gilneas, but no one has been able to track it down. Canis secretly smuggles in weapons, explosives, and illegal ingredients to supply the gang's undertakings. Then, all of the ill-gotten gains from the gang are laundered back through the shipping company to appear legitimate. And whenever Canis' competition gets a little too successful, well, it's awfully hard for a rival shipping company to operate when a quarter of its workforce has broken kneecaps, isn't it? So far as anyone knows, there is zero connection between the Red Moon Gang and the Canis Shipping Company. In reality, the gang is absolutely and fully controlled by Canis.

Brute force isn't the only thing a rapidly-expanding corporation needs to grow and thrive. The gang is a blunt instrument, and a sledgehammer isn't the best tool for every job. Sometimes you need a scalpel. Palms need greasing, influential people need charming, blackmail and espionage materials need collecting, and of course, valuable goods need liberating. This is where the Silverclaw Syndicate comes in. This organization, also fully and secretly controlled by Canis, collects individuals with very particular skills and deploys them to further the company's goals, and make everyone rich in the process. It's easy to undercut the competition when you can just steal what you need and smuggle it out of the kingdom!