Kingdom of Gilneas Banner


As a community representing the Gilnean government, we have a body of IC law for Gilneas that we follow, ratified by the First Gilnean Parliament. Laws may be added, removed, or amended by parliament. Everyone living in Gilnean territory is subject to Gilnean law, which will be enforced by government and military personnel. Those who are caught engaging in criminal activity may be subject to fines, imprisonment, and other punishments.

All Gilnean roleplayers are welcome to participate in our legal and parliamentary system. You do not have to be a member of <Kingdom of Gilneas>, you just need to ICly be a citizen of Gilneas. You can vote in parliamentary elections and even run to be a Member of Parliament.



Common Law of the Kingdom of Gilneas
Google document of our legal corpus.

Gilnean Common Law is broken down into various sections, such as the Bill of Rights, Criminal Code, Military Code, etc. You can search through the document to find what you are looking for. We keep thorough records of all changes to the law. This law is amended by Members of Parliament passing bills during our legislative sessions, which are typically held on the 2nd Wednesday and 4th Saturday of each month. These sessions are open to the public. Everyone is welcome to attend and observe. Notifications and reminders about our Parliament Sessions are posted regularly in our Discord Server.



Parliamentary Procedures
Google document of our Parliamentary Procedures.

Our legislative sessions are typically held twice a month where Gilnean Members of Parliament (MPs) meet to debate and vote on legislation. These sessions follow a standard procedure:

  1. Call to order
  2. Roll call
  3. Opening blessing/prayer (Alternating each session between the Church and the Order)
  4. Swearing in new MPs (usually only on the first session of each three-month term)
  5. Legislative docket
    1. Presentation of legislation by author or sponsor
    2. Assembly questions, discussion, and debate
    3. Public commentary
    4. Voting
  6. Open floor (MPs and the public may bring any business before the assembly)
  7. Closing blessing/prayer
  8. Adjournment



Members of Parliament are elected by the Gilnean roleplaying community to 3-month terms. Parliamentary terms are from January 1 through March 31, April 1 through June 30, July 1 though September 30, and October 1 through December 31. Letters of Intent to run to be a Member of Parliament are typically opened on the last month of the current parliamentary term in preparation for the upcoming term. Letters of Intent and elections are all managed through our Discord Server.

Parliament is made up of two equal houses: the House of Nobles and the House of Commons. Only nobility can run for the House of Nobles. Only commoners can run for the House of Commons. Each house has 4 seats open for general elections, 1 seat appointed by the Church of the Holy Light, and 1 seat appointed by the Order of the Harvest Moon, for a total of 12 Members of Parliament for each term.

This system and process is open to the entire Gilnean roleplaying community. Any Gilnean citizen can register to vote for Members of Parliament. Any Gilnean citizen can submit a Letter of Intent to run for election as a Member of Parliament. Membership in <Kingdom of Gilneas> is not required.